Monday, April 4, 2011

Side Note:

Hello my followers/commenters/readers!!

I just wanted to let you all know that I am posting another one of my stories.  Like I've said before, Shattered is actually not the first story I've written. And since I've gotten such positive feedback posting on here, I figured why not post some of the other works I've written.

So please go over and check out This story is near and dear to my heart, mainly due to the fact that the main female character is a firefighter, something that I also am... so everything is as realistic as I could get it, making it my pride and joy.

I will be posting a chapter every other night! When I begin posting the new one I'm writing I will be sure to let you know on here.

Look for the last chapter of Shattered tomorrow around 1pm EST. Thank you again for your awesome support and comments!!

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